About Us
Catholic cemeteries reflect Catholic beliefs. They offer a comforting atmosphere in which love for family and friends are remembered, hope is rekindled, and faith is awakened, renewed and strengthened.
By doing so they are proclaiming an important statement: that even in death, the body is worthy of great dignity and respect. In turn, the Resurrection of Jesus reminds us that the climax of redemption belongs both to the spirit and the flesh. In its funeral rites, the Church shows reverence to the mortal remains of the faithful departed in praying for their souls.
Headstones at the Gate of Heaven
This winter many headstones in the Gate of Heaven Cemetery fell over as the result of the terrible weather; strong winds and freezing and thawing of the ground. Our Cemetery staff have worked tremendously hard over the past weeks as the weather has improved to stand the headstones back up and secure them to their bases. Recently some family members have arrived attempting to correct the fallen headstone on their family graves. Due to safety considerations and the skill and tools needed to secure the headstones, family and friends are not permitted to do this work. Our staff will continue to make these repairs over the coming weeks.